The last 2 guys who refused to take the Petro-Dollar where Saddam Hussain & Muammar Gaddafi, but they were small potatoes, according to the West (dead men tell no tales).
MisterTutsikikoyama -> sickof50
neither possessed nuclear weapons
Which countries are unfriendly?
wallfacer0 -> oio0oio
InTERnaTioNal ComMUinTy.jpeg
SonOfTheDragon101 -> oio0oio
Presumably all the countries that have sanctions on Russia. This would be the US, Canada, nearly all of Europe (except Serbia, Belarus, and maybe other holdouts), Japan, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan province, etc.
DreamyLucid -> SonOfTheDragon101
Left out Singapore
yuewanggoujian -> DreamyLucid
I personally was pretty surprised by Singapore when it happened.
manred2026 -> oio0oio
The one that sanction russia, so pretty much US, most of EU and US vassal.
folatt -> manred2026
You said US vassal twice.
Behold, the gasruble!
This is the way. US gangster financial tyranny must end
I hope every member of the CPC is busy taking notes and studying every move while the Grandmaster (GM) of Geopolitics show the world how the game is played.
Well, this should get interesting. The more the U.S. sanctions Russia, the more the U.S. and the rest of the world suffers as Russia has plenty of oil and agriculture goods to trade.
Let's see how this all plays out. And pray for peace.
Apparently Russia + Kazakhstan + Belarus + Ukraine account for about half of many agricultural commodities to Europe. In fact, Macron is already talking about food shortages in france.
At this rate EU people are going to freeze and starve to death with 4 million more ukrainian refugee mouths to feed
OMG we just might get another French Revolution - "Let them eat cake / Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" and all that
显然,俄罗斯 + 哈萨克斯坦 + 白俄罗斯 + 乌克兰占欧洲许多农产品的一半左右。事实上,马克龙已经在谈论法国的食品短缺问题。
SonOfTheDragon101 -> AcanthocephalaNo4620
They won't freeze because it's now Spring in the northern hemisphere. But food prices will go up. And it's actually countries like Egypt and other North African / Middle Eastern countries who are most vulnerable to soaring wheat price. Europe will feel pain nevertheless. There are still many months until the next winter cycle. Who know where we are at by then.
lestnot -> AcanthocephalaNo4620
The US is leading the EU off a cliff. Bon voyage!
RespublicaCuriae -> lestnot
The US is leading the EU off a cliff.
This is the reality that most people in the west would want to deny strongly.
FatDalek -> AcanthocephalaNo4620
I was planning an European holiday in May / June. Baltics, catching up with a friend in Finland and then touring Sweden, maybe Iceland for natural scenery afterwards. How likely am I going to be affected?
yOw_indahOuse -> FatDalek
You might have a cheaper holiday at this rate.. and bring some food and gasoline, we’re fu**ed over here (jk about the food part, but in Spain strikes have made it impossible for me to get some products the last week or so).
照这样下去,你可能会有一个更便宜的假期... 带上一些食物和汽油,我们这里已经完蛋了(关于食物的部分我是开玩笑的,但是在西班牙,罢工让我过去一周左右无法买到一些产品)。
SonOfTheDragon101 -> yOw_indahOuse
I am wondering about the impact on Europe in the coming months. Inflation is doubtlessly going to surge. People who were already living precariously are going to get hammered. There is a possibility that high inflation, even stagflation, would destabilise European countries where politics were already toxic and polarising (France, UK, etc.). Western sanctions will likewise bring hardship to Russia's population. But there is a difference. People from countries like Russia, China, India, and any developing country have much higher threshold for financial pain. They're either used to it, and/or have lived in poverty until recently, so they know how to get by with less, and they are also far more likely to be stoic about it than to complain about their governments. This is not the case with Western countries.
FatDalek -> yOw_indahOuse
Well I am from Australia, so bringing food might not be practical, especially when I am on an overseas holiday, I make it a thing to try local cuisine.
DaBIGmeow888 -> AcanthocephalaNo4620
EU Freeze? It's spring now. Russia likely didn't anticipate using gas/oil to retailiate, or else it would invaded earlier in December.
AcanthocephalaNo4620 -> DaBIGmeow888
Ah, my mistake.
Checking out the chart at the bottom of the article and seem to have left out one major European country that gets it gas from Russia. Germany 🇩🇪 wonder why they forgot about the Germans’ demand for gas and the % of import of total imported gas
imagine being part of the us department of the treasury and having you and all of yours first lines of thought be "how quickly can we freeze these fx reserves russia has left in our custody?" rather than "why does russia have these fx reserves in accounts that we can freeze?"
Tbh that’s a pretty smart way to sell
I would wait for all the Euro banks to deposit their gold in Russian banks, and then "nationalize" all the gold as payments for all the Russian assets seized by the West.
Double F them.
SonOfTheDragon101 -> skyanvil
I think there was already a bit of that. The Ruble fell as low as 140 Rubles to $1 as people dumped the Ruble for USD and Euros. That should mean Russia's Central Banks collected the Rubles. Now, the exchange rate has gone back to less than 100 Rubles to $1. Russia's government has made money.
aleksusy -> SonOfTheDragon101
That’s a really great point!!